September 1st, 2023

Chill Updates [September 1, 2023]

Hello fall! I'm exhausted today, so short and sweet:

Editor admin panel:

  • Automated access requests (kind of)! Now anyone in the Chill Subs team can see access requests in our admin panel and approve them with a notification email, not just me looking at the spreadsheet once a week and then manually updating the magazine in the database... So faster access, yay!

  • Fixed magazine search in the claim access form - while doing the automation, realized that magazine selection had been broken for a few months (I don't know how you used it all, thanks for your patience)

Listing pages:

  • each genre card has a green/red circle now indicating its submission call status:) for example, here's Alien magazine that's always open for nonfiction!

Write or Die:


  • Since it's the beginning of the month, our stats page is updated with the previous month's financials! (and it automatically updates all the other categories) It's really cool.

Premium cabinet (if you're not a member and what to help us build awesome tools, here's your link)

  • Realized some of the defunct and hiatus magazines were still popping up in the recommendations, so removed those!

  • Now when you add recommended magazines to your submission plan, the page is not scrolled back to the top (which could be annoying when you scroll and add a few magazines)

  • soo embarrassing: the submission history tab automatically fetches data from the tracker looking for all submissions with this piece title. and I forgot to add "only from this user" so if your piece title was really simple like "Love", you'd probably see someone else's submission woof. No more!

Alright, that's it! We want to dedicate September to our browse. Improve our database management process, finish our audit, clean up the database, and make the listing pages even cooler and the editor forms actually convenient. It's A LOT. But we're excited to finally focus on this and make sure we're the most intuitive, the most up-to-date website out there.

And also! Want to improve our sign-in. We know it's been painful for some of you. We don't want this process to suck forever, so we're on it!

Have a great weekend everyone!🙃

